Leaders are Readers: Repetition (Saturday Edition)

Reading Christians are growing Christians. When Christians cease to read, they cease to grow.

—John Wesley

On Saturdays, I’m going to do something a little different. I’ll be giving you a peek behind the curtain on how I read the bible. I’ll share some of the tips and tricks I’ve used throughout the years that have helped me perceive what a passage is saying and how to apply it to my life. I hope it is a help and encouragement to you as you seek to read and study God’s word. 

The Second tip to reading the bible is simple… repetition. Read a passage of scripture. Then read it again the next day. Then read it again the day after that. Keep reading the same passage every day for a week, a month, or even for 90 days. The more you go down a trail in the woods, the more you notice things along the way. In the same way, reading the same passage day after day will help you understand and glean things from the passage you would not grasp otherwise. You’ll realize how different parts of scripture fit together. You’ll notice verses in their context and grasp the truest sense of meaning. 

For example, I am going to preach on Ephesians in the next few months so I’ve been reading Ephesians almost every day as part of my daily reading time (It takes about 10-15 minutes depending on our reading speed). I carry a small Gideon New Testament and make it a point to read through Ephesians at some point in my day. I like to especially read in the morning and at night because these moments are high retention times for me.

Sometimes I’ll listen to it instead of reading it myself. I’ve got my phone set up to read text out loud and have had it read Ephesians to me. I’ve also got access to audio bibles through the bible app and other similar apps on my phone. 

You may think, “Doesn’t it get boring, reading the same thing?” Maybe for a day or two, but the more you get into it, the more fascinating what you are reading becomes. One time I challenged a group of young men to read the book of James every day for a week and we’d meet back up and discuss what they had learned. When I met back up with these guys I was blown away at how excited they were to read the same book every day! God was showing them things they had never seen before and our conversations were lively and filled with practical application. 

If you really want to know God through His word then read it. 

Father, Your word is true and good. I thank you for all the tools and resources available to help me understand and read your word. I am grateful for the small Gideon bible that allows me to always have a physical copy of your word as close to me as my phone. I am grateful for the apps and devices where I can hear your word read. Most of all I am grateful that you reveal yourself to your people through your word! May you bless us to know you more and grow in our relationship with you! In Jesus Name, Amen.

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