Don’t Drift (Hebrews 2:1- Daily Devotional)

Drifting naturally happens without an anchor to something solid. If we are not securely set in the superiority of Jesus, we will drift with the currents of the world, the flesh, and the devil.

David Guzik

Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.

Hebrews 2:1

Drift is inevitable. Life is not stationary. It is constantly moving. No matter how badly we want things to stay the same they are always changing. Even the mailbox post changes over time. Iron posts rust. Painted posts fade. Wood posts begin to rot. The post that sticks out of the ground to hold up your mailbox may never be changed out, but you can count on the fact that it’s constantly changing.  

While there are things in life that must change over time, there are things that must never change. We have to fight against drift and decay to keep them where they need to be. It is tempting to ride the current and “go with the flow.” We often don’t realize how much ground we’ve given up when we drift. 

The author of Hebrews challenges all who will read chapter two that we must not drift! Drift from where? Drift from the things we have heard. We must guard our doctrine, our understanding of God as has been delivered to us by the apostles in the scripture. We must hold these doctrines not as mere words on paper or formalities, but as truths to be believed to the core of our being. 

The truths we believe will determine how we live. If you want to weaken someone’s faith, weaken their doctrine. Isn’t this the easily discernable tactic of the devil, to second guess God? Isn’t this what he said to Adam and Eve, “Did God really say?” And in doing so introduced a lesser view of God into their minds. They began to think of God as petty, they thought of him as smaller than he was, they supposed he had ulterior motives, and they imagined God was more like them than He was. 

It’s always the holiness of God that is diminished when we drift. We begin to imagine God in our image rather than appreciating that we were made in His. We must fight this tendency to drift by holding on to the truths given to us by the Apostles. 

Father, Your word is true and good. Keep me from drifting. Help me to see areas of my life where I am tempted to be laid back and unfocused. Help me to be discerning in my doctrine and focused on your word. I am so grateful for your word and the grace I find in knowing Christ.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

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